Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Day 7 - First Follow Up with Surgeon!

My doctor's office called yesterday and had to move my appointment up to today, which sounded good to me! I was interested to hear how things were from his perspective.

Overall it went great! He said that the incision on the side of my outer thigh is a little different, because he had to attach everything higher on my femur. Also, because I am small, the bolt-like thing that holds the new ligament in place was popping through the tunnel. He added a washer to make sure it was secure, so that is a good thing. So far it feels really strong! He said he couldn't believe how low the swelling was and was thrilled I am already off the narcotics.

His biggest concern for me isn't mobility; it's getting my muscles strong enough to protect the new ligament quickly. Without that, I can easily rupture it and I really don't want to do this again. So physical therapy will be key - I called and was able to start on Thursday morning. He also said my little arm weights and ab exercises were fine, but to lay off the leg lifts and lower body work other than the physical therapy. He did some additional testing on my uninjured leg during surgery, and he has concerns about how long it will hold but I am optimistic that this strength training will be great for both my stems. He just kept telling me how unstable I was - which struck me as pretty hilarious. Good thing I didn't do this 10 years ago.

Best of all, I can DRIVE! And SHOWER without stupid plastic bags and Saran Wrap. I start back to work (working from home, I am not that aggressive!) tomorrow under the watchful eye of my new manager.

I hope you weren't planning on a long lunch today.

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