Sunday, March 27, 2011

A friendly reminder...

I was at Pure Barre yesterday (favorite class ever!) and when we were at the barre doing some plie-type exercises, I got a little aggressive and bent lower through my knee than I should have. It's really hard for me to respect my body's limits, especially when I am the only person under 60 not squatting to the ground. So I dipped a little bit lower, and my knee started to give me the "warning" sliding feeling. Plus, it hurt - which it usually doesn't, even when it goes out. So I stood back up and did the best I could to finish. These "listening to your body" lessons are hard for me - I guess it's good to learn them now. I will have plenty of time to be aggressive with it, like during rehab.

Friday, March 25, 2011

The goods....

I know that once my knee is all nice and tight I will forget what it looked like when it was all wonky. In high school, one of my friends called it my "banana leg". So I want to take a few pics to remember it by! Here is a little snack for your viewing pleasure - it is not normal. And yes, my foot/toes are janky too. We aren't fixing those.

MRI - check!

So, I went for my 7am MRI today. It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. The 20-something girl that was getting me set up let me know that the machine was really loud, and offered me some headphones so I could listen to the radio. She asked me what station I wanted, and when I couldn't think of local stations (I'm an XM junkie) she suggested that I would enjoy the "easy listening" station. Haha! I guess I look like that is what I jam out to.

Thankfully, I didn't have to go all the way inside the machine - that would have freaked me out. My head was left outside, which was a nice touch. The machine was really loud and started and stopped a bunch of times - you have to be really still, so of course that made me want to move. But I held still and after about 20 minutes of easy listening I was all done!

Of course I am itching to know what information came out of it, but I won't know until 4/4. I think I am in some sort of denial - I'm still thinking maybe he'll tell me that it's not torn or messed up, that I just have wiggly joints and if I do a bunch of squats I will be good. My hubby says this means I am delusional. This may be true.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

The Beginning....

So, after all of these years, it looks like I am finally going to fix my sketchy knee. It all started about 20 years ago, when I broke my leg and tore my ACL while snow skiing. At the time, they elected not to do surgery because of my age - but warned me that eventually I would need to have it done if I stayed active.

Fast forward 20 years - I'm 35, and thankfully very active! Over the years I have been able to work around my injury and stayed active in many ways - dance, yoga, aerial training, even pole dancing. But over the past couple of months, it's started to give way. There isn't a lot of pain, but it has become quite unstable - slipping out of joint and such. That is the most nauseating feeling ever - and after consulting with my husband and physical therapist, have decided to move forward. I've put it off for years mainly out of not wanting the downtime - but if I take out another ligament with it, it could be even worse.

I saw my new orthopedic surgeon last week - he pulled my leg in every direction imaginable, and confirmed that my ACL is, indeed, toast. I'm getting an MRI tomorrow to see if there is anything else in there that needs repair, and then will meet with him on 4/4 to talk about the results and what options there are. But he did confirm that surgery would be involved - eek!

I will try to post tomorrow about the MRI - the idea of being in a tube doesn't make me super happy, because I am sure I will have to pee at some point since I won't be able to move. In the meantime, my personal game plan is to be as active as possible and be as strong as I can so I will heal faster. Don't know what my doctor would think of that, but it sounds like a good plan for me!