Friday, April 15, 2011

Day 3 - April 15th, 2011

So, I was thinking I was super tough and doing awesome - until the last of the nerve block left and the swelling kicked up. Yesterday overall was a great day - spent about 9 hours in the CPM (which feels so good!) and did my exercises. The last one I did before bed was propping my foot up on a rolled up towel and pushing my knee down - pretty intense but not horrible. A little while later (and it was also time for new ice and a pill - not a good combo) when I went to go to bed, it felt like my leg was going to explode. Being upright was bad, getting into bed was worse - and trying to get comfortable seemed impossible. You have to be very careful about propping your leg up - you want it higher than your heart, but you also need to prop to be under the ankle, not the knee. Propping under the knee can make the new ligament shorten, requiring more surgery, and I am not interested in that. But Mark found a long bolster pillow that we put under my calf and foot lengthwise - and I got some rest! I keep telling myself that this is the worst of it - in a few days the swelling will be better and I will be more mobile - I just had surgery 48 hours ago. It's hard to be patient!

This is my view for the day. Don't be jealous.

Today I am going to have a good day and keep everything moving and elevated - I didn't change the dressing yesterday but will today, along with a much needed shower. Thank you for reading!

1 comment:

  1. you're doing great! i admire your courage and your humor!!!
