Tuesday, May 10, 2011

5/10/11 - almost one month....

Things are going well! The bike is helping with the muscle atrophy, which I am very happy about. My right thigh is still about twice the size of my left, but I think once I get out of the brace and can walk a little more it will even out with use. My scars are looking good too - I reek of cocoa butter, but that is a small price to pay for faded scars. And way cheaper than Mederma - yippee!

The aerial show this weekend was fantastic! Everyone did so well and I was so caught up in the performances it didn't occur to me to be sad. Meghan, my physical therapist, came as well! She wanted to see what exactly it was that I needed to get back into when all is said and done. I think she was slightly alarmed, especially by the amount of "hanging by one or two knees" that she saw. Every once in a while she would nudge me, point, and just say "no". Watching the amount of twisting and turning on aerial silks hurt my knee to even see it - I think that will be the toughest one for me, but I will cross that bridge when I get there. In the meantime, I will keep on with my baby steps! It is really going to be a long road but I am getting better every day.

I still have a fair amount of pain, but it pops up all over the place. It's mostly achy sensations, and also some itching inside of the knee, which is pretty unpleasant since I can't scratch under my skin. I keep telling myself it's all part of the healing process. Every couple of days, I have a tiny panic that somehow I have ruptured the graft, but Meghan assures me that I would know if I did. I see my doctor on Thursday, so we will see what he says. I am going to lobby for a couple of things - getting out of the brace or at least unlocking it, and maybe starting some (extremely gentle and easeful) yoga. I know he's the professional, but I am going to build my case and let you know how it goes. I am sure he will be thrilled to know all of my plans and opinions.

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