Saturday, June 11, 2011

8.5 Weeks

Ever since my surgery, I have been wondering when I would start to feel a little more normal. For me, it was about 8 weeks. That's how long it has taken for me to be more confident moving around in public, to be able to go up and down stairs, and get around. Sticking to my rehab plan has been key - I've been really consistent with my sessions and at-home exercises. I started bouncing on a mini-trampoline, which is a pre-cursor to determining if I am ready to start some light jogging! It didn't hurt at the time, but the outside of my knee has been a little tender and achy ever since. So I am going to take it easy.

In the meantime....I am back at PureBarre! My first class was last Wednesday and I was pretty nervous. Not that the exercises would hurt, but everyone has all their equipment (balls, rubber tubing, hand weights) and all I could think about was not tripping over it. Fortunately, I didn't! It felt so good to be back. There were some exercises today where you were on all fours doing some of the leg presses, so I did those laying on my tummy. It definitely still worked - my hamstring is still pretty weak, but this will help. I'm also still doing a ton of bridging, and more work on the Pilates Reformer. I can't wait for my legs to be the same size again - ha!

I see my surgeon on Monday, so we will see what he has to say. He's going to take an X ray, so it will be so weird to see my bones with washers and screws in them. I am going to try to sneak a picture!

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