Saturday, May 14, 2011

My new toy!

My lower back just above my hip has been really, really bothering me. It's probably due to the weird way I am walking in the brace, but it's really uncomfortable. I've used foam rollers for years to work out kinks in my muscles, but it's so tight my foam roller just couldn't do much for it. A couple of my friends rave about the famed Rumble Roller, but it's $70 and I just was never that motivated to get it. Until now. Meet my new bff.
The Rumble Roller of Pain
I am not going to lie. It's pretty intense and definitely isn't for everyone, or for every part of your body. I used it on my back and it sounded like firecrackers going off - it was awesome. It also felt wonderful on my hamstrings, although I was a little worried it would be too aggressive. I think they miss stretching. My calves, on the other hand, seized up in protest. Oh well! There's plenty to work on in the meantime.

I did 3.5 miles on the bike this morning! Look out, Lance! I'm totally kidding. My uninjured thigh is starting to get a little gigantic, but at least my recovering leg doesn't look as sad as it did. My quad is still really mushy but we're still not doing a lot of things for it - we're still focused heavily on the gluts and hammies. I'm also doing a lot of total body strengthening as well - I am going to need it if I'm going back to PureBarre! I'm holding elbow planks for about 60 seconds (I will get to 90!) and holding squats for 2.5 minutes. I've got plenty to work on. I'm also going to talk to my PT about adding in a couple short term goals - I want to be able to do my splits and also sit cross legged. With the splits it's not a challenge in terms of flexibility, but it's more getting into the position that seems to be the challenge.

I think I am accepting the process a little better than I have been and my spirits are improving as a result. I just keep reminding myself that everything is temporary and that always makes me feel a little brighter. I hope you have a good day today as well!

1 comment:

  1. keep up the progress girl..!! the road to recovery is a hard one, but who doesnt love a challenge..? ;) xoxo
